What am using is coils within the Saab DI cassette, running in semi sequential coil over plug system, that means two coils spark at the same time, yes it is wasted. But listening to these guys at saabcentral and saablink makes me laugh. Some say DI cassettes go bad and DI cassetes this and that and that they can't take too much wasted spark bla bla bla. They are totaly clueless as how the cassette works. These cassettes do go bad but coils never go bad. What goes bad is the ION sensing sensor but that effects Saab factory Ecus but not MS2. We can use the coils within the cassette and there is nothing going to happen to coils unless you run too much dwell, coils can last forever in wasted mode. In wasted mode spark plugs take a beating because they spark two times instead of one, but who cares, you run performance engine anyway you should change spark plugs often anyway.
Am controling fuel and ignition and using code Extra 2.0.1, using modded EZK crank hall sensor and modded trigger wheel 4-1, using coils within saab DI cassette, 93 9000T lucas 36lb injectors, 93 9000 air temp sensor, AEM wideband UEGO guage controler.

MS2 is so much better than stock management.
Here is the main pulley from 2.1L saab 900, it is just basic trigger, triggers two times per revolution unmodded.

Here is the same trigger wheel but modded, one extra window added the same size as other ones that comes after trigger #1, so this wheel will have 3 triggers at falling edge with 4th trigger missing, A 4-1 crank trigger. Thats all you need to mod to run semi-cop on a saab! pritty easy and cheap haa?